The Square Kilometer Array: a large Scale ESFRI Infrastructure
From the Cosmos to the Cities of the future
Cooperation Portugal-África & EU-África
An event to present the SKA and radioastronomy to the European Community, Policy Makers & African Collaborators in the framework of the 8th Partnership EU-Africa Forum.
Venue: Auditório, Fundação das Comunicações, Santos - Lisboa
8h45 - Registration
Chair: Carlos Salema
9h00 – Opening: Luisa Mendes, Chair of URSI Portugal, ANACOM
9h15 -
Scientific infra-structures and PT-EU-Africa cooperation, Miguel Seabra, President of FCT , Portugal
9h30 -
"The SKA project : Science, Impact & Opportunities", Phil Diamond, Director General of the SKA Organization, United Kingdom
10h00 -
"The African-Europe Radio Astronomy Platform at the European & African Parliaments", Declan Kirrane, ISCintelligence, Belgium
10h15 - coffee-break
Chair: TBD
10h35 -
"The SKA project in Africa", Daan du Toit, Minister Counselor of South Africa GOV Mission to the European Union, South Africa
11h00 -
"SKA: An European View", Thijs van der Hulst, Chairman of the European SKA Committee, Groningen, NL
11h25 -
"SKA: the Aperture Array Verification Program", Arnold van Ardenne, EU Coordinator of the SKA AAVP, (ASTRON, NL & ONSALA, SE)
11h50 -
"The Spanish VIA-SKA project: an Iberian Industry-Academia example", Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, Coordinator of VIA-SKA, IAA-CSIC, Spain)
12h15 -
"Euro-African cooperation in radio astronomy as seen from space: evolution towards SKA and beyond", Leonid Gurvits, Head of Space
Science Applications, JIVE, NL
12h45 – Lunch
Chair: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro,
14h00 -
"Reviewing Radioastronomy in Portugal : preparing for SKA", Sonia Ánton, CICGE-U. Porto.
Industry Anchor talks/Opportunities for Portuguese Industry
14h30 -
"SKA Drives Innovation and Marker Capitalization in the ICT sector", Gerlinde Bedoe, Nokia Siemens Networks
14h50 -
"SKA and renewable Energy", José Amador, Martifer Solar, Portugal.
15h10 -
"SKA and Space Exploration", Rui Melo e Paulo Guedes, Critical Software
Education & Outreach
15h30 - "Astronomy for Development: The cases of Universe Awareness and Galileo Teacher Training Programme",
PDF2, Pedro Russo, (UNAWE-IAU, Leiden, NL) and Rosa Doran, (NUCLIO, PT)
15h50 - H2020 (TBD) & Closure
Domingos Barbosa, Sonia Antón, Dalmiro Maia